The Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA) is a network of academic data science practitioners, educators, and leaders, and academic-adjacent colleagues, who thoughtfully integrate data science best practices in higher education. Our members connect and share their data-intensive approaches and responsible applications in teaching and research. By sharing lessons learned and collaborating on research and training, our members help each other find the right path for their unique university or college environment.
ADSA is also a support and advocacy organization enabling translational activities and partnerships across academia, other community organizations, foundations, and private and public sectors. ADSA actively supports activities that bridge methodology and application fields, emphasizing the value that all fields have to contribute to the development and evolution of data-driven research practices. By connecting data science communities across different domains, ADSA hopes to accelerate the advancement and uptake of data science innovation and best practices.
Learn more about our Mission, Vision, and Values. Learn More about the People behind ADSA.