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Algorithmic impact assessments of AI in policing: Who watches the watchers?

Published onJan 31, 2025
Algorithmic impact assessments of AI in policing: Who watches the watchers?

The proliferation of AI technology in the domain of policing continues to increase despite public criticism from advocacy groups, local communities, and activist organisations. This session invites concerned researchers and practitioners to discuss possibile avenues to conduct algorithmic impact asessments of the use of AI algorithms in the policing domain. How can we wholistically approach the continuing developements such as in the use of facial recognition, automated license plate readers, biometric data collection, acoustic gunshot detection, predictive policing, LLM-generated police reports and so on? What are the risks and limits invovled in choosing to or not to work with police in order to conduct such audits? What kinds of data should be used, and how should we be critical of their provenance and bias while attempting to make use of them? What analytic frameworks e.g. causal analysis, statistical methods, or other forms of measurement should be used?

To scaffold the discussion, we will begin with a brief presentation on some of the ongoing work conducted at the Blue Data Lab on related problems and questions. The discussion will focus on developing new methodological approaches to the above, potential collaborations across discplines, and generating new questions and ideas.

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