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Connecting the Dots: AI Education and Training with AI and Data Science Jobs

Published onJan 31, 2025
Connecting the Dots: AI Education and Training with AI and Data Science Jobs

The rapid rise of AI related jobs in the government and private sectors requires a careful classification of the knowledge, skills, and ability (KSA) that candidates need for filling such jobs and a description of suitable academic training. The ADSA community will collaborate with employers to first develop a taxonomy of learning objectives and competencies developed by AI and data science related educational efforts. We will concurrently develop a mapping of these to the KSA required by prospective employers.

Desired Outcomes:

I. From the training side (Taxonomy):
A taxonomy of topics and student learning objectives (SLO) of programs in data science and AI at different levels – certificate, bachelors, graduate certificates, master’s, and PhD.

II. From the employer Side (KSA):
A mapping between knowledge and skills for different data science and AI job categories to the created taxonomy. Establish competency levels and mechanisms for evaluation in the described knowledge and skills underlining the importance of education on “responsible data/AI citizens” in the face of algorithm bias and security issues around data.

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